Wednesday, January 26, 2011

My Week In A Tea Estate

So my train ride took me to Hatton, where I stayed with my friend Devaka, and later joined by his wife Sushenka. It was an incredibly peaceful and quiet place to stay, and also extremely cold after the heat of tropical Sri Lanka. I went on daily 3 hour walks with my guide 'Tooth Fairy' who spoke no English. I had lots of time to enjoy the views and have time to think without distractions.....

Tea Pickers - Only the women pick the tea because they're more selective

Tea Estate typical view

More pickers with their sacks on their heads and levelling sticks

A group of pluckers

A lonely plucker amongst tea bushes

My guide 'Tooth Fairy'

The main spray the crop to stop infection and disease

Caught off-guard, smiles all round

A lonely plucker

An elderly picker with a warm top on

Looking down on the Estate from up the hill - Eucalyptus trees grow among the Tea

At the top of the Estate, clipped tea on the right

The top of the hill reaches over 6000ft

Another picker - they loved getting they're picture taken

One of many waterfalls in the valleys

Adam's Peak in the distance at sun set

Outside the bungalow in the morning

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