Saturday, December 4, 2010

A Few Photos From the Past Days

Click on the images for larger versions.

'Blackie' my guard dog, loud but a big softy really

Raindrops and leaves

A resting fly

Palm leaf silhouette

The CNC Router in action, cutting out a Sudoku board I designed

Making sure it's doing the right thing, from left to right: Autocad Man Prageet; The Big Boss Shiran; Head of  the Workshop Pradeep; and Workshop Boy Samir.

Spanner in the sunlight close-up

Squirrel, squirrel, shake your bushy tail!

A swallowtail butterfly having a rest

First batch of my designs being prototyped - London Landmark Bookends and Bouncy Animals

Sanding belts

For Jess Jones and her love of elephants!

I love all the different No Smoking signs everywhere, the Sinhala characters are beautiful

A very yellow leaf

Pieces for a Noughts and Crosses Board Game, freshly varnished

Every time I look at this planing machine I see a monster that eats wood shavings

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