Monday, November 29, 2010

Down the Market

Markets are still the most popular way to buy all your food (except bread) in Sri Lanka. So Sundays are a beehive of activity, seemingly the most busy day of the week as housewives and husbands head out to do their weekly shopping. So I went along too and received many a strange look, as well as lots of smiles and "hello! how are you?!" - the marketplace is very loud and quite a squeeze, not much fun on a hot day!

On the way to the market I visited the Sri Lanka version of B&Q

Which sells a healthy supply of Asbestos!!

Dried fish

Pradeep and his pal

Market scene

Weighing potatoes

Nice sarong

Nice vest

Banana leaves

An exchange


More pumpkins


Young salesmen

Packaged spices


She wanted a photo, I gave her a photo!

Friendly ladies

Counting his earnings

Green chillies!

Beans, limes, lady-fingers and chillies

Lots of ladies were sitting on knives which they then used to effortlessly chop all sorts of things

All sorts of grains

Red chillies

Market scene

Does this need a caption? Standard Sri Lanka hygiene.

Nice use of old tea boxes - pull toys that click!

Walan cooking pots.

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